Thursday 5 December 2013

Reece runs amok...!

Reece runs amok….!

Or, perhaps justruns the London Marathon!!!

Reece is back - perhaps not the biggest blockbuster sequel of the year but certainly one of the longest!

This is with reference to my first marathon which, if you were a recipient of my email bombardment over the course of last winter/spring you may know all about! 

So how to make the sequel bigger, better and bolder than the original?

Well, for a start, this is the London Marathon and, much as I loved running the Brighton Marathon and I certainly wouldn’t say no to running it again one day, the London Marathon has got to be the marathon to experience in this country and one of the top marathon events in the world. 

But apart from the fact that, for those who have a passing interest about my fate on 13th April 2014, there is a remote chance of spotting me among 30,000 other runners on the TV coverage (I know that at the very least my mum will be looking out for me!), why would you care whether I’m running in London, Brighton or anywhere else?

So what else can I say to convince you that this sequel will be bigger, better and bolder than the original?

How about faster?

Having started my training for Brighton 2013 with the aim of finishing inside 4 hours 45 minutes and ultimately feeling like I was killing myself from mile 18 onwards to finish in 4 hours 21 minutes, what more can I do?

But that’s not the question I’m asking myself.  My question is - can I beat 4 hours?

Right now as I ask myself that question there’s a grimace on my face as I envisage the pain involved in answering that question in the affirmative and making it come true

I’m quite happy to be generous in sharing my pain and my marathon updates over the next few months are likely to be doing just that! 

Most importantly I have to say that I am absolutely thrilled to be given the opportunity to run the London Marathon – I remember watching the TV coverage of one of the very early London Marathons (possibly the first in 1981 – before my 17th birthday) and feeling inspired (shame it took over 30 years for that inspiration to mature!).  I am massively grateful to The Outward Bound Trust for giving me this chance for a dream to come true and, in the spirit of bigger, better and bolder I’m sticking my neck out and setting myself a fundraising target of £2,000!

I’ve worked for over 25 years in education and children’s services organisations and it adds to my motivation that I’m raising funds for The Outward Bound Trust – an organisation that aims to help young people realise their potential through learning in the wild and creating a supportive and challenging environment in which they can learn about themselves and see clearly what they might truly be capable of achieving in life.

Every contribution to my fundraising means a huge amount to me and gives me the extra motivation to get to the London finish line in less than 4 hours (every time I mention that target the grimace returns… sometimes with a few tears!).

By the way – in mentioning the “grimace”, if you know me well you’ve probably seen the look before.  If you need a reminder, check out the photos on my fundraising website .  One photo captures an absolute classic grimace – and that was after only 10 miles!

As well as the grimace, the site provides links with extra information about The Outward Bound Trust and The London Marathon.

Many, many thanks and look out for me on the road!

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